
Dog & Groom provides personalized grooming tailored to your preferences. We offer complimentary adjustments for up to 5 days after each session. For a show-ready finish, we also provide breed-standard trims, including hand-stripping.

We groom all types of dogs, from mixed breeds to specialty breeds, including:

Schnauzer, Poodle, Airedale, various Terriers, West Highland Terrier (Westie), Bichon Frise, Coton de Tulear, Spaniels, Retrievers, Shih Tzu, Portuguese Water Dog, Ganaraskan, Havanese, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Wheaten Terrier, as well as popular hybrid breeds like Goldendoodle and Labradoodle, and large breeds like Bouvier and Newfoundland.


Severe Dematting Process

Full Groom Service

Our Full Groom package offers:

  • Clean, pluck and tidy ears
  • Clean eye area
  • Trim groin, rectum, feet, pads, nails & tail
  • Buff nails
  • Shampoo bath with conditioner
  • Remove undercoat (where necessary)
  • Hand-dry, trim & style coat

Additional Services

We offer a range of additional services, each priced individually:

  • Bath, Brush & Tidy (BBT):
    • Ear cleaning, bath, eye area grooming, brush-out, and coat tidying (excludes dematting and double-coated dogs).
    • Ideal for maintaining coat length for future styling or colder weather.
  • Teeth Cleaning:
    • For pets with dental concerns, including tooth decay, extractions, and bad breath.
    • To support dental health, consider giving chewable bones and similar products to clean side and back teeth. Tap water, which contains fluoride, is more beneficial than bottled water for dental health.
  • Bath & Brush (B&B):
    • A simple bath and brush-out (excludes dematting and double-coated dogs).
    • Perfect for a quick, clean, and refreshing session.
  • Doggie Day-Care:
    • provides companionship with a safe and enjoyable place for short-term care
  • Nail Grinding:
    • A gentler alternative to nail trimming, especially for pets sensitive to trims.
    • Available by appointment or can be added to grooming sessions.
  • Pet Wait Options:
    • Crate-free play area with large windows for pets to enjoy the view.
    • Individual spaces to keep pets comfortable and separate from others.
  • Large Dog Care:
    • We are equipped with a tub ramp that comfortably and safely benefits dogs
      of varied sizes.

Accessible Location

We are accessible to the following Toronto neighbourhoods:
Yonge/Eglinton, Leaside, Lawrence Park, Briar Hill, Lytton Park, Deer Park, Forest Hill,
Davisville, Belford Park, Sherwood, Moore Park, Mt. Pleasant, Rosedale, Summerhill and Casa Loma.

Pet Care Do’s and Don’ts

To our valued pet owners we offer the following suggestions:


  • Make sure your pet is walked before appointments to eliminate clean-ups, avoid extra charges and time delays
  • Keep your pet’s coat in good condition to avoid matting and subsequent dematting fee or shave-down
  • Bring your pet in frequently for any of our three (3) grooming services to avoid stress and reduce the risk of injury if shave-down to remove the coat becomes necessary
  • Have your pet’s nails trimmed at least every 4 weeks, especially the dew claws located above the front paws
  • Prior to grooming, inform your Groomer of any medical conditions your pet may have such as lumps, warts, sores or other skin conditions, surgeries, seizures or other illnesses
  • If your pet continuously scoots or slides their anus on the floor, have their anal glands expressed, preferably by your vet to ensure it’s done correctly to eliminate risk of injury.
  • Consult your vet on types of food that naturally expresses the glands
  • Ensure your pet’s vaccinations are current, mandatorily the City and Animal Control gets involved should there be a biting mishap


  • Forget to brush and comb your pet between professional grooms
  • Forget to inform your Groomer about sensitive areas your pet may have
  • Forget to advise your Groomer about your pet’s temperament
  • Forget to walk your dog on surfaces that help to maintain their nails naturally



Dog & Groom offers a one-time 5% discount on your next full groom for each successful referral

Breed Option Full Groom: Additional Services: Depending
  • Schnauzer, Poodle, Airedale, Terrier breeds, West Highland Terrier (Westie), Bichon Frise, Coton de Tulear, Spaniels, Retrievers, Shih Tzu
  • Portuguese Water Dog, Ganaraskan, Havanese, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, and Wheaten Terrier
  • Popular doodle breeds like Goldendoodle and Labradoodle, as well as large breeds like Bouvier and Newfoundland
Full grooming prices vary based on factors such as your pet’s size, breed, coat condition, preferred trim style, and temperament. A personalized consultation is required to provide an exact price.

, Brush & Tidy [BBT] = 25% off the basic price of full groom.

Bath & Brush [B&B] = 35% off the basic price of full groom.

Teeth cleaning [with groom]

Nail trim [without groom]

Nail grinding [without or with groom]

Bath Brush and Tidy (dematting & double coated dogs  excepted).

Condition of coat
Scissors trim
Geriatric or special needs
Standard breed trim